CMIS Spaces updated with offline features, less steps editing

CMIS Spaces build 15

CMIS Spaces in Alfresco ForgeCMIS Spaces Google Code Project

CMIS Spaces has been updated with the following features in build 15:

  • Update Existing file support added (Update toolbar button, Edit / Update menu)
  • FlexSpaces AIR offline features added (CMIS Spaces AIR only): Tools / Make Available Offline menu (multiple select, not deep into folders), Tools / Update from Offline menu (single select)
  • Features added in FlexSpaces 0.94 (less steps editing in AIR version, new bigger labeled toolbar icons,  show logged in as)
  • The less steps editing feature gives you WebDAV like simpler editing /  and save directly in application to save in the CMIS Server.  Supporting this alternative to WebDAV with CMIS could be an important feature since the CMIS standard doesn’t have WebDAV.
  • Also updated the optional CMIS Spaces SOAP web services support (setup in CMISSpacesConfig.xml, search and navigation only currently) and tested with Alfresco 3.3 Tested the more full featured CMIS Spaces atompub rest support with Alfresco 3.2R2, Alfresco 3.3, quick test with Nuxeo. Tested previous build of CMIS Spaces with Documentum and IBM FileNet also.
  • Note: CMIS Spaces has had a DAM feature since the beginning (play video from the context menu).

Author: admin

Steve Reiner has over 30 years of software development experience, including 9 years at Documentum, and 6 years on Harvard Graphics at Software Publishing. Developing open source integrated AI and semantic tech software including UIs, as a semi-retired individual developer / CTO of Integrated Semantics.

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