First Test Version and Source of CMIS Spaces Mobile Available

CMIS Spaces is a Flex based RIA Client for CMIS content mgt repositories with Desktop (AIR App, Flex In Browser) and Mobile (Android Mobile AIR App, iOS Mobile AIR App) versions.

The source and first test version of CMIS Spaces Mobile is finally available on the CMIS Spaces Google Code site. Its geared more for Android tablets / iPads than smart phones.

A first test build of CMIS Spaces Mobile for Android is available for download. The iOS version can be built from the common source using Flash Builder 4.6 / Flex 4.6 .

A newer version of FlexSpaces Mobile for Alfresco and newer source is also available on the FlexSpaces Google Code site. CMIS Spaces and FlexSpaces share a good bit code between them. FlexSpaces has support for more features (workflow, etc.) and uses custom web scripts instead of CMIS binding APIs.

A third test build of FlexSpaces Mobile for Android is available for download. FlexSpaces Mobile for iOS can be built from the common FlexSpaces source.

Alfresco Add+Ons Catalog pages:
CMIS Spaces
Flex Spaces

First test version of FlexSpaces Mobile for Android available

The first test version of FlexSpaces Mobile for Android (and Alfresco ECM) is now available for download on the FlexSpaces google code site. A more final version will be available on the Android Market for free. The first test version for iOS will use the “ad-hoc” testing Apple allows until an app is in the app store. For people interested in testing the iOS version (mainly for iPads, will fit on iPhone4 screens), send email to info  at   Test versions of CMIS Spaces Mobile for Android and iOS will be available soon too.



  • Need to have flexspaces webscripts installed in your Alfresco server
  • Use settings / preferences on the initial login page to enter server domain/protocol/port.
  • Geared for Android tablets, will also fit on high-res smart phones at least 480 pixels wide
  • Geared more for landscape mode when have the navigation tree displayed (turn off in the view menu)
  • App size is larger due to including captive air run-time so you don’t need to install the latest air separately
  • Some features were left out for now (open calais semantic tagging, favorites section, local files panel, wcm)
  • The FlexSpaces mobile project source is not checked into google code yet
  • FlexSpaces in general still needs its start workflow feature fixed for Alfresco 4.0

iPhone webapp for Adobe LiveCycle Content Services ES2

iPhone web app with LiveCycle ContentServices ES2

After reading about the iPhone app for LiveCycle Workspace ES2 (product page, blog article), I thought I would get something to work with LiveCycle ContentServices ES2. Dr. Yong Qu, who works at Alfresco, created a  sample web script based  Alfresco web app for the iPhone. I got this web app to work with LiveCycle ContentServices ES2. The navigation works, display of some properties works, viewing files works (after one change to a webscript for contentspace), and search works.  (Alfresco 3.2 has an iPhone web app UI for Share. Getting this to work on ES2 would be more involved.)

Two zip files are needed from Yong’s blog page

Webscript file changed (in and rezipped)
on line 362 of org/alfresco/demo/iphone/iPhoneNavigation.get.html.ftl (the line with “Read Document”) change /alfresco to /contentspace

Different steps to install on LC Content Services vs. steps for Alfresco
1. stop “JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle ES2” service
2. I already had c:\Adobe\Adobe LiveCycle ES2\jboss\server\lc_turnkey\deploy\adobe-contentservices.ear and the contentservices.war inside it exploded
3. copy iui folder (nested in iui folder in to adobe-contentservices.ear\contentservices.war\
4. start “JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle ES2” service
5. start Contentspace, login as administrator
6. same step as Alfresco to import file into Data Dictionary/Web Script Extensions/ folder
7. button to refresh webscripts is on http://localhost:8080/contentspace/service/ page
8. You can now run http://localhost:8080/contentspace/service/iphone/navigation in a regular or mobile browser

1. This is not iPhone specific so it would work with other smartphones with browsers
2. I used the LC ES2 M3 R3 beta turnkey deploy JBoss / Windows 64 bit
3. Should work with LC Content Services ES (8.2.1). The deploy dir would be different.
4. I used it with an iPod Touch (not an iPhone). Also used with in a regular browser in the screenshot.
