FlexibleDashboard+Liferay: Collaborative BI dashboards managed in Liferay


FlexibleDashboard+Liferay is an open source BI dashboard app / framework which supports dashboards layouts (user/group) managed in Liferay that can mix pure Flex FlexibleDashboard pods and regular Liferay portlets. This used to be called FlexibleLiferay when it was only a Flex portal container / Liferay front end app for portals with only regular Liferay portlets.

Placeholder “flexpod” portlets from the “FlexibleDashboard+Liferay” category can be added to a page/tab in the regular Liferay web UI, to configure BI dashboards. Then in the FlexibleDashboard+Liferay Flex/AIR app the appropriate FlexibleDashboard Flex pod will be displayed instead of a portlet. A Flex pod means its a pure Flex module being displayed without being wrapped in a portlet / HTML.

All these FlexibleDashboard Flex pods are supported: bar/line chart, pie chart, grid and grid/chart with Spring ActionScript config of BlazeDS data sources, BIRT report, JasperReports report, OLAP pivot grid / XMLA query tool, Pentaho charts, calendar, local files, and HTML.

Current limitations: pod.xml file configures on a portlet basis, would be better to have configurable properties on a portlet instance basis. Also module SWF files load from the Flex/AIR app dir, not from portlet web app dirs.