Alfresco GenAI Semantic Project

The Alfresco GenAI Semantic github project is available now. This is a fork of the Alfresco GenAI project with spaCy NLP python library entity linking to DBpedia and Wikidata added for now.

The Alfresco GenAI project provides support for generative AI with local or cloud LLMs for Alfresco. This includes summarization, categorization, image description, chat prompting about doc content.

The Alfresco GenAI Semantic project adds named entity recognition (NER) / entity linking of documents in Alfresco to Wikidata and DBpedia. Currently 2 custom aspects have multi-value properties for the links, alfresco tags aren’t used yet.

The spaCy NLP python library along with spaCy projects are used. The spaCyOpenTapioca project is used for getting Wikidata entity links. The DBpedia Spotlight for SpaCy project is used for getting DBpedia entity links. Note these both use external servers, which can be setup locally. NER can also be done with just spaCy. The spaCy-LLM python package that integrates Large Language Models (LLMs) into spaCy pipelines is available. The Alfresco GenAI Semantic project currently doesn’t use spacy-llm yet.

Below shows what test\space-station.txt after upload and entity linking with the Entity Link Wikidata aspect looks like in the Alfresco ACA content app in the view details when expanded out:

Below shows what test\space-station.txt after entity linking with the Entity Link DBpedia aspect looks like in the Alfresco ACA content app in the view details when expanded out:


I added forks of all the old Integrated Semantics projects to  from people who used the google code export before google took it away. Thanks Richard Esplin (esplinr), pubsnow, and MaxTyutyunnikov.

I moved back to Miami, Florida from the SF Bay area 2 1/2 years ago. Hopefully will get to putting some new stuff in this github area, despite being semi-retired. Steve

TypeScript for Alfresco and CMIS – Alfresco DevCon 2012 lightning talk slides and sample app

I also uploaded my slides to SlideShare from the second lightning talk presentation I made at Alfresco DevCon 2012 San Jose.

TypeScript for Alfresco and CMIS – Alfresco DevCon 2012 San Jose

This briefly covered some languages that can be translated to JavaScript (TypeScript, Dart, ActionScript, CoffeeScript) and used for developing HTML5/JS  desktop and mobile web applications. TypeScript seems to be the best choice. The IDEs and editors currently supporting TypeScript was then listed.

Finally, my plans to support various Alfresco and CMIS things with TypeScript was covered: port CMIS Spaces and FlexSpaces from Flex/AS3 to TypeScript, TypeScript wrappers for AlfJS and CMIS.JS, additional Alfresco and CMIS TypeScript libraries, sample showing a Share dashlet written in TypeScript, and a TypeScript definition file for intellisense / compile time type checking for Alfresco WebScripts.

The small TypeScript app (start on a repo browser) I started with definition wrappers for AlfJS, YUI3, with a dummy tree (no real data yet) and folder table (that displays data from Alfresco with AlfJS) is included here (will add to github later). The definition for YUI3 comes from what this gist had with adds to get it to compile in Visual Studio 2012 with the TypeScript plugin.

Apache Stanbol Version of OpenCalais Integration – Alfresco DevCon 2012 lightning talk slides

I uploaded my slides to SlideShare from the first lightning talk presentation I made at Alfresco DevCon 2012 San Jose:

An Alfresco Apache Stanbol Integration (port of OpenCalais integration) – Alfresco DevCon 2012 San Jose

It covers the port of the OpenCalais Integration and its Share UI extension to work with Apache Stanbol. These integrations support auto-tagging, semantic tag clouds, and semantic geo-tagged maps. Both integrations are open source and available on Google Code .

FlexibleDashboard+Liferay: Collaborative BI dashboards managed in Liferay


FlexibleDashboard+Liferay is an open source BI dashboard app / framework which supports dashboards layouts (user/group) managed in Liferay that can mix pure Flex FlexibleDashboard pods and regular Liferay portlets. This used to be called FlexibleLiferay when it was only a Flex portal container / Liferay front end app for portals with only regular Liferay portlets.

Placeholder “flexpod” portlets from the “FlexibleDashboard+Liferay” category can be added to a page/tab in the regular Liferay web UI, to configure BI dashboards. Then in the FlexibleDashboard+Liferay Flex/AIR app the appropriate FlexibleDashboard Flex pod will be displayed instead of a portlet. A Flex pod means its a pure Flex module being displayed without being wrapped in a portlet / HTML.

All these FlexibleDashboard Flex pods are supported: bar/line chart, pie chart, grid and grid/chart with Spring ActionScript config of BlazeDS data sources, BIRT report, JasperReports report, OLAP pivot grid / XMLA query tool, Pentaho charts, calendar, local files, and HTML.

Current limitations: pod.xml file configures on a portlet basis, would be better to have configurable properties on a portlet instance basis. Also module SWF files load from the Flex/AIR app dir, not from portlet web app dirs.