The flexspaces google code svn now has flexspaces+browser and flexspaces+air refactored to use the “presentation model” presentation design pattern. This will be in flexspaces 0.9.
Presentation model links:
Paul Williams: Presentation Patterns – Presentation Model
Max Milan Presentation – Flex Development with Cairngorm
Previously the component dir of FlexSpaces had components using either the Supervising Presenter design pattern or the Passive View design pattern (this is still available in the Alfresco forge in the 0.8 flexspaces source downloads). With the refactoring, the component package dir has been replaced with “presmodel” and “view” package directories. Still use Cairngorm with UM extensions in the control dir as before.
The flexspaces google code now also has some some cleanup work done: 1. model locator modularized to just be a locator of model classes. 2. The xml parsing of data coming back from web scripts has been moved to the delegates. These now return models and/or value objects.
I am finally getting around to adding support for Prana (now Spring ActionScript) to allow xml configuration of various things in flexspaces (attributes to show in properties / folder grids / advanced search, etc.) This is not in google code yet (will be in flexspaces 0.9).