3 AIR client platforms for FlexSpaces+AIr

Did some testing of FlexSpaces+AIR on non windows AIR client platforms:

AIR client worked fine on Linux Ubuntu 8.04 including the AIR specific features (native drag/drop, native clipboard, make files offline)
1. To install adobe air alpha runtime for linux:
http://www.sizlopedia.com/2008/04/06/ho … on-ubuntu/
2. Double click and install FlexSpacesAir.air from http://forge.alfresco.com/projects/flexspaces/
3. Set host and port in /opt/FlexSpacesAir/alfresco-config.xml
(note the linux air alpha currently does not support internal viewing of pdfs)(make pdf, make flash preview, view flash preview features of FlexSpaces still work)

On Mac OSX 10.5.2 Leopard, works except for things involving upload (upload files…, native shell drag/drop, native shell clipboard), make files offline worked. On windows and linux flash players, able to authenticate and thus upload a new file, on mac flashplayer getting 401 codes back. Still working on this issue.  (Update: Fixed  these Mac problems in 0.2 prototype 5/13/08)

1. Install released AIR 1.x runtime for the Mac
2. Double click and install FlexSpacesAir.air from http://forge.alfresco.com/projects/flexspaces/
3. Set host and port name in alfresco-config.xml
a. In finder choose “Show Package Contents” on installed FlexSpacesAir.app
b. alfresco-config.xml is in contents/resources/

Windows, basic and air specific features (native drag/drop, native clipboard, make files offline) work
1. Install air runtime http://get.adobe.com/air/
2. Double click and install FlexSpacesAir.air from http://forge.alfresco.com/projects/flexspaces/
3. Set host and port in c:\Program Files\FlexSpacesAIR\alfresco-config.xml
(Would make things easier if you could set the host and port from the UI of FlexSpaces.)

Note: community and enterpise versions of the Alfresco ECM server itself are available from:
2.1 released community version
nightly builds of 2.9 community version under dev
trial versions of 2.2 released enterprise version


Author: admin

Steve Reiner has over 30 years of software development experience, including 9 years at Documentum, and 6 years on Harvard Graphics at Software Publishing. Developing open source integrated AI and semantic tech software including UIs, as a semi-retired individual developer / CTO of Integrated Semantics.

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