ECM, BI, and AI / Semantic Tech Open Source, HTML5/JS, Angular, Alfresco, CMIS, BI, Visualization, AI, Semantic Search, SPARQL/RDF/OWL

30. August 2009

Liferay portlet for FlexSpaces

FlexSpaces Liferay portletFlexSpaces Liferay portlet config

FlexSpaces 0.93 was recent released (Alfresco Forge, Google Code).  This now includes a Liferay portlet (runs FlexSpaces inside a portlet), fixes progress bar color in new styling/skinning from 0.92, adds short-term state save for portlet resize / browser refresh (config only enabled in portlet pkg), adds additional parms/flashvars to support config in portlet preferences dialogs, adds parms to enable adding sso.  A JBoss Portal portlet will be available later. Also will have portlets for CMIS Spaces.

The Liferay portlet is also available from the Liferay website community plugins download area and also from within Liferay itself: Add Application / Install More Applications (use refresh button at bottom to refresh plugin list)  (Note: installing the web scripts in Alfresco is still required, see readmeWebScripts.txt)

The FlexSpaces Liferay portlet configuration UI allows setting what views to show (doclib, search, tasks, wcm) and the Alfresco web script URL.

This portlet was developed/tested with Liferay 5.2.3 and Alfresco 3.2 running in separate Tomcats. Running Liferay and Alfresco in separate Tomcats is recommended (easier, can switch to new versions independently, and is more scalable). To adapt the FlexSpaces portlet to Liferay 5.1.x, etc. look at the source inside the Liferay Flash portlet war for your version of Liferay and adapt the jsps (different dtds) and  maybe the java file of the FlexSpaces portlet.

How to setup:
1. Install Alfresco enterprise or community
2. Start alfresco user admin pw admin, install flexspaces 0.91+ webscripts, see readmeWebScripts.txt
3. Install a separate Liferay 5.2.x tomcat bundle from
4. I changed all the ports in <liferay>/<tomcat>/conf/server.xml to start with 9 instead of 8 (8005->9005, 8080->9080 twice, 8009->9009) to not conflict with tomcat running alfresco
5. Start liferay tomcat and login (password: bruno)
6. Within Liferay install the FlexSpaces portlet: Add Application / Install More Applications (use refresh button at bottom to refresh plugin list) and click add on FlexSpaces item from the Alfresco or Flex category
7. Configure the portlet in its configuration UI to have the views wanted and for your Alfresco web script URL (may need different host,port), and save.
8. Login to the FlexSpaces portlet (user: admin, pw: admin)
9. The FlexSpaces portlet also works with LiveCycle Content Services ES:
a. in the portlet configuration UI set the Alfresco webscript URL in to http://localhost:8080/contentspace/service and set show tasks to false
b. in FlexSpacesConfig.xml set is LiveCycleContentServices to true, serverVersion to 2.1 for LC 8.2.1, and set useSessionData to false (need to do some more work to get the short term state save to work with LC CS, and avoid the re-login on portlet resize)

Haven’t tried using SSO approaches yet:
1. Rivet Logic STAr (Secure Token Authentication rivet amp for Alfresco) used with AWPr
2. Jonas Yuan / Cignex LDAP ADS and SSO CAS  and also blog post on a combined install
3. Sourcesense Alfresco OpenSSO integration
Other references
1. Luis Sala’s portlet dev wiki page and blog
2. Jeff Pott’s blog


9. August 2009

Updated the look of FlexSpaces, CMIS Spaces, and FlexibleShare

I released new builds of FlexSpaces, CMIS Spaces,  and FlexibleShare. These have a new ‘look” (with added skinning of menus/tabs,  and expanded/changed style files):

FlexSpaces 0.92

FlexSpaces+AIR 0.92 ( Alfresco Forge , Google Code )  (Tested with Alfresco 3.2, Adobe LiveCycle Content Services ES 8.2.1)

CMIS Spaces build 8

CMIS Spaces +AIR build 8 ( Alfresco Forge , Google Code ) (Tested with Alfresco 3.2)
Note: CMIS Spaces build 8 is for the CMIS 0.61 spec. I will do a new build soon for the CMIS 0.62 spec.

FlexibleShare build 2

FlexibleShare +AIR build 2 ( Alfresco Forge , Google Code ) (Tested with Alfresco 3.2, Adobe LiveCycle Content Services ES 8.2.1)

2. June 2009

FlexSpaces and LiveCycle Workspace integrated UI

Filed under: AIR,Flex,FlexSpaces,LiveCycle — admin @ 17:09

I was able to get FlexSpaces UI for document management with Adobe LiveCycle Content Services ES integrated with LiveCycle Workspace UI for  starting processes/forms/task-lists.  The workspace start process, to-do, and tracking are in tabs. The workspace preferences, messages, help are available from menus.  It works on Flex+Browser.   Also will SSO from/to other LC apps. (I can’t make this available as open source).

For an integration of FlexSpaces+AIR with Workspace, getting PDF Form controlling code to work in Flex+AIR looks challenging.  I could also create some Workspace pods for FlexibleShare (although FlexibleShare is Flex+AIR currently, could also do a +Browser version)

Document Library Tab (click image twice for larger):

FlexSpaces for LiveCycle doc library

Workspace Tab / start process (click image twice for larger):

FlexSpaces for LiveCycle start process

19. May 2009

FlexibleShare+AIR (dashboard/portal for Alfresco, LiveCycle): build1 available

A first build and source for FlexibleShare+AIR, an open source, Flex based dashboard/portal container focused on document management (Alfresco, Adobe LiveCycle Content Services ES), collaboration (Alfresco Share),  and BI/charting/reporting, is now available on the Alfresco Forge and on Google Code.

As a Flex based dashboard for FlexSpaces view pods (doc mgt, wcm, search, workflow tasks), its further along. (Note that the WCM pod is commented out in data/pods.xml).

The Flex based pods (blog, wiki, discussions, doclib, calendar) for Share back-end are prototypes. No commenting/reply feature yet. The calendar doesn’t hook into the Share backend yet. The Share dashboard html pod runs the Share overall dashboard (no pods for individual Surf dashlets yet).  (Note that you need to confgure Share pods with the correct site short url name in the siteUrlName attributes in pods.xml)

The Charting, Pentaho charting, JasperReports report viewer pods are samples only (additional BI/reporting capabilities to come). Liferay html pod runs the full Liferay portal (no pods for individual Liferay portlets yet).

FlexibleShare uses the Esria dashboard sample. I still need to look into leveraging the  Anvil project to provide more modular support for loading Flex portlets. (Note see previous blog post with more details on FlexibleShare)

Do to use of AIR, you can drag desktop files into FlexibleShare folder views. Regular AIR drag / drop also allows you to drag files from the local files pod to folder view pods and between folder view pods. Calais semantic auto-tagging, tag suggesting can be used in Doclib pods and in the search pod (switch from having the “simplesearch” pod to the “search” pod in pods.xml), and setup the Calais key / set enableCalais in FlexSpacesConfig.xml

To get FlexibleShare to run on LiveCycle Content Services (8.2.1), FlexSpacesConfig.xml needs to be changed following its LiveCycle comments (different setting for alfresoUrlPart, set isLiveCycleContentService value to true, and set serverVersion to 2.1 to reflect its embedded Alfreso. Also in data/pods.xml comment out the tasks pod, and remove the pods in Share section. Note: for FlexibleShare on LiveCycle on non localhost, currently need to recompile with service-config.xml changed.

FlexibleShare Document Management (WCM pod not shown) screenshot (click on for larger):

FlexibleShare+AIR  document management

FlexibleShare Collaboration screenshot (click on for larger):

FlexibleShare+AIR Alfresco Share Collaboration

4. May 2009

FlexSpaces 0.9 released, CMIS Spaces preview build 6 released

Filed under: AIR,Alfresco,CMIS,CMIS Spaces,Flex,FlexSpaces,LiveCycle — admin @ 12:58

FlexSpaces 0.9 screenshot
FlexSpaces 0.9 (Flex+AIR, Flex+Browser) RIA Clients for Alfresco  (and Adobe LiveCycle Content Services)
Refactored to use Presentation Model pattern, added SampleApp1, severside paging in webscripts (doclib, search results), favorites/shortcuts, now 6 languages, preview now more usable and uses same content model REST api as Alfresco Share, Spring ActionScript XML config of: what views to show (doclib, search, tasks, wcm, share),  whether to have coverflow view mode,  default view page sizes, page size picklist, thumbnail info (id/name, size). Menu config more usable now that all menu enable/disable code is position independent, thumbnails fixed, bug fixes.  FlexSpaces on Google Code FlexSpaces on Alfresco Forge (Update: note in FlexSpacesConfig.xml, for LiveCycle, the alfrescoUrlPart should be “/contentspace/service” not “/contentspace/servicee” in the comment. )

CMIS Spaces screenshot
CMIS Spaces RIA clients (Flex+AIR, Flex+Browser) preview build 6
CMIS Spaces clients are for ECM / CMS servers supporting the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) standard. CMIS Spaces supports CMIS on both REST Atom and SOAP. Changed to keep in sync with FlexSpaces 0.9 code, performance fix to remove overhead of undisplayed coverflow, CMIS Spaces specifc menu XML config file, Spring ActionScript XML config of: what views to show (doclib, search, checked out), default view page sizes, page size picklist. CMIS Spaces on Google Code CMIS Spaces on Alfresco Forge

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