FlexSpaces 0.6: Share 3.0 Integration, Thumbnail View, CoverFlow View, 2.2 Enterprise support

Here is a sneak peak at FlexSpaces 0.6, which is coming soon.  New features:

  • 5 Flex based site page components (flexspaces all views, doclib only, search only, tasks only, wcm only) that provide the functionality of FlexSpaces inside the Alfresco 3.0 Share application (or any Surf based app), portals
  • Thumbnail and CoverFlow views (when FlexSpaces+AIR, FlexSpaces+Browser, or FlexSpaces Site Components are running with 3.0)
  • Advanced search finished
  • Edit (checkout+download), update existing
  • Context menus permission based enable/disable (in addition to main menus)
  • Support for Alfresco 2.2.0 Enterprise (fixed problems running on versions before 2.9/3.0)

Share Site Customize.

Alfresco Share Customize Site with FlexSpaces Site Components

tn thumbview

FlexSpaces Thumbnail View


FlexSpaces CoverFlow View


Advanced Search

Author: admin

Steve Reiner has over 30 years of software development experience, including 9 years at Documentum, and 6 years on Harvard Graphics at Software Publishing. Developing open source integrated AI and semantic tech software including UIs, as a semi-retired individual developer / CTO of Integrated Semantics.

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