Alfresco Flex Clients: FlexSpaces+AIR and FlexSpaces+Browser Screenshots

FlexSpaces+AIR Screenshots

Repository Tree, 2 Repository Folders, Local Files Tree+Folder (NASA Mission Control Mode)

FlexSpaces+AIR screenshot1

Create Space Dialog

FlexSpaces+AIR  Create Space Dialog

Viewing PDF Document

view pdf doc

Create Content – HTML

Create HTML Content

Folder Details View Mode

folder details view mode

Properties View / Edit


Example of Ajax Web Script UI Integrated inside the Flex UI

Example Ajax UI Integration

Search results with Flash Preview (based on Alfresco ACE )

search results with flash preview

FlexSpaces Screenshot

(same as FlexSpaces+AIR but in your browser, minus native drag/drop with desktop, native desktop clipboard, file offline support)


Author: admin

Steve Reiner has over 30 years of software development experience, including 9 years at Documentum, and 6 years on Harvard Graphics at Software Publishing. Developing open source integrated AI and semantic tech software including UIs, as a semi-retired individual developer / CTO of Integrated Semantics.

6 thoughts on “Alfresco Flex Clients: FlexSpaces+AIR and FlexSpaces+Browser Screenshots”

  1. Very cool!

    I’m guessing you’re using the flex-sdk from the Alfresco SVN for the authentication and web scripts end, right? I’m re-writing those libraries right now to work better with a Cairngorm-based Flex application architecture.

    How’d you fix the errors that constantly get returned from Alfresco using Flex and the web scripts and authentication? The force-alf-response true thing works to get information back but Flex still throws an error because the failure is in the response header.

    Oh how I wish I knew Java. BlazeDS would be my method of choice in talking to the Alfresco instance. 🙂

  2. 1. For now using the flex-sdk from Alfresco SVN with a patch around the assumption on clientside object result format to allow other result formats on the cleintside. So far things are fine with xml from server, e4x result format clientside

    2. Also plan to start using Cairngorm. Also had seen some work on the web to support online and offline (SQLite) datasources in Cairngorm, that I could leverage.

    3. Adding optional use of BlazeDS is in my plans.

  3. Very exciting stuff. I have been tracking many of the same technologies that you have over time. I too am very interested in the integration of Alfresco with Flex. I hope that you publish the material soon. I am still going through the documentation at this point. Having the source will expedite my learning process. Thanks.

  4. When do you think you might release some code? Is there anything I (or we) can do to help out, like commenting code, or helping to write documentation?

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