Alfresco OpenCalais Integration Share UI

The Alfresco OpenCalais Integration now has UI (Spring Surf / HTML /JavaScript / YUI)  for Alfresco Share in addition to the support in FlexSpaces (Flex/Flash).  The Share UI has a semantic tag cloud dashlet, a geo-tagged (Google map based) semantic map dashlet, and an auto-tagging action.  The Share UI is for Alfresco 3.3 and 3.4.


The dashlets will show semantic tags in all share sites when added to the overall Share dashboard, and show site specific semantic tags when added to site dashboards.  Clicking on a tag in the semantic tag cloud or on a semantic tag map marker will take you to a search results list of documents with the semantic tag.  The semantic tag cloud dashlet can be changed to show semantic tags for a specific category or all categories.

The semantic tag cloud dashlet is based on  Will Abson’s tag cloud dashlet in the Alfresco Share Extras collection. Will now also has a Google map dashlet in this collection showing geo-location of photo files using Tika extracted metadata available in Alfresco 3.4.


The added auto-tag action menu (in more menu and details page) can be used to auto tag the selected document with the OpenCalais service. This action is added to both site document libraries and repository document library page menu.The auto-tagging action can also be setup in a content rule to auto-tag all documents in a folder in the rule UI of Alfresco Explorer or in Share (choose to perfom the action “Auto-tag with Calais”).

Note that semantic tags are implemented with categories with a custom root category. They won’t show up in regular Alfresco tag or category UI.  Currently only the Alfresco Explorer details page will list semantic tags (update 3/30/2011: will now show up the Share doc details page too in the 1.3.1 version of the OpenCalais integration).

FlexSpaces, in addition to having the semantic tag clouds, semantic map, and auto-tag action features in the Share UI, also has support for suggesting semantic tags and for editing what semantic tags are assigned to a document.  See the semantic features in action in this screen-cam of an older version of FlexSpaces.

AIR apps for both Apple iPad and Android tablets

Great news on Apple relaxing iOS development tool restrictions

Now using Flex with coming mobile support and AIR to develop both for Android and iOS (with “Adobe AIR Packager for iPhone”) will be possible.

Supporting FlexSpaces (for Alfresco and for Adobe LiveCycle Content Services ES2), CMIS Spaces (for content servers supporting the CMIS standard), FlexibleDashboard, and FlexibleShare AIR apps on these additional platforms is getting more feasible.

Since these apps are geared to larger screens, targeting iPad and Android tablets makes more sense than the small screens (iPhone, Android mobile phones).

Steve Reiner

Integrated Semantics

on twitter

FlexSpaces for Alfresco updated: less steps editing, new UI

FlexSpaces 0.94

FlexSpaces in Alfresco ForgeFlexSpaces Google Code Project   (open source community version is LGPL)

The new version of FlexSpaces (0.94)  has the following new features:

  • The AIR version can offline a file in the repository and launch the default application for the file type on the offline copy with one click of the edit button in FlexSpaces. (This can be turned on by setting useLessStepsEdit to true in FlexSpacesConfig.xml).  With this feature, the user avoids getting file browse dialog to choose a download location and then having to navigate through their file system to launch the file in an editing application.
  • The AIR version can automatically update the online file when the user saves in applications while editing an offlined file launched from the edit button.   (This can be turned on by setting both useLessStepsEditing to true and autoUpdateOnlineOnAppSave to true in FlexSpacesConfig.xml) (The online file will be versioned if it has the versionable aspect.)   With this feature, you avoid having to go back to the content management client, choose update, and pick the file to update with from a file browse dialog.
  • Basically these two features together give you the simpler editing you get with WebDAV or with CIFS, but with the full features of FlexSpaces. With WebDAV your editing application may need to support direct WebDAV URLs.  Also you don’t have to worry as you do with WebDAV or CIFS,  if it works with a  particular client OS version or needs a client OS patch.
  • The toolbar of FlexSpaces now has bigger, labeled toolbar buttons. Hopefully this will make figuring out what to do easier.
  • A navigation panel was added combining the existing Company Home tree, an added User / My Home tree,  and Categories / Tag Cloud / Semantic Tag Clouds/Map / Favorites moved from the search view.
  • Added displaying “Logged in as:” user name
  • Fixes for LiveCycle Content Services ES2 version of Alfresco

CMIS Spaces and FlexibleShare were also updated to have these new FlexSpaces features:

CMIS Spaces in Alfresco ForgeCMIS Spaces Google Code Project

FlexibleShare in Alfresco ForgeFlexibleShare Google Code Project

FlexSpaces, CMIS Spaces, and FlexibleShare now LGPL, product plans

The community versions of FlexSpaces, FlexSpaces portlets, CMIS Spaces, and CMIS Spaces portlets (coming) are now LGPL instead of GPL. FlexSpaces supports both Alfresco and Adobe LiveCycle Content Services ES2LiveCycle Mosaic ES2 tiles for FlexSpaces and CMIS Spaces are also planned. The community version of FlexSpaces has very full featured support for doc management, search,  start workflow, task list (Alfresco only), and some wcm (Alfresco only). It even supports semantic auto-tagging using Calais.

An enterprise version of  FlexSpaces (including portlets, tiles) with a commercial license, support, and additional features will also be available.  An expanded enterprise version of CMIS Spaces (including portlets, tiles) is also in the works.

FlexibleShare is now LGPL instead of GPL.  FlexibleDashboard and FlexibleLiferay have been LGPL for awhile. These are in the early stages, experimental. FlexibleShare adds a Flex portal interface around FlexSpaces doc management pods, Flex UI pods for Alfresco share collaboration, and some sample BI/reporting pods. Plan to also add pods for CMIS Spaces into FlexibleShare. FlexibleShare and its base project FlexibleDashboard need to have modularity support added (loading of modules). They need to be flexible.  FlexibleLiferay, a Flex+AIR front end to Liferay, gets its modularity support already from Liferay with each portlet (pure Flex or regular portlet) being a separate war file. FlexibleDashboard needs to have its BI/reporting support expanded beyond samples.

FlexSpaces Alfresco Forge , FlexSpaces Google Code

CMIS Spaces Alfresco Forge , CMIS Spaces Google Code

FlexibleShare Alfresco Forge , FlexibleShare Google Code

FlexibleDashboard Google Code

FlexibleLiferay Google Code


iPhone webapp for Adobe LiveCycle Content Services ES2

iPhone web app with LiveCycle ContentServices ES2

After reading about the iPhone app for LiveCycle Workspace ES2 (product page, blog article), I thought I would get something to work with LiveCycle ContentServices ES2. Dr. Yong Qu, who works at Alfresco, created a  sample web script based  Alfresco web app for the iPhone. I got this web app to work with LiveCycle ContentServices ES2. The navigation works, display of some properties works, viewing files works (after one change to a webscript for contentspace), and search works.  (Alfresco 3.2 has an iPhone web app UI for Share. Getting this to work on ES2 would be more involved.)

Two zip files are needed from Yong’s blog page

Webscript file changed (in and rezipped)
on line 362 of org/alfresco/demo/iphone/iPhoneNavigation.get.html.ftl (the line with “Read Document”) change /alfresco to /contentspace

Different steps to install on LC Content Services vs. steps for Alfresco
1. stop “JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle ES2” service
2. I already had c:\Adobe\Adobe LiveCycle ES2\jboss\server\lc_turnkey\deploy\adobe-contentservices.ear and the contentservices.war inside it exploded
3. copy iui folder (nested in iui folder in to adobe-contentservices.ear\contentservices.war\
4. start “JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle ES2” service
5. start Contentspace, login as administrator
6. same step as Alfresco to import file into Data Dictionary/Web Script Extensions/ folder
7. button to refresh webscripts is on http://localhost:8080/contentspace/service/ page
8. You can now run http://localhost:8080/contentspace/service/iphone/navigation in a regular or mobile browser

1. This is not iPhone specific so it would work with other smartphones with browsers
2. I used the LC ES2 M3 R3 beta turnkey deploy JBoss / Windows 64 bit
3. Should work with LC Content Services ES (8.2.1). The deploy dir would be different.
4. I used it with an iPod Touch (not an iPhone). Also used with in a regular browser in the screenshot.
